Business writing today : a practical guide

The text instructs business students how to write for the 21st century business environment in the style it demands: clearly, concisely, powerfully, and with individuality. It also addresses explicitly the digital realm of email, social networking, and social media strategies

Includes bibliographical references and index

[WorldCat (this item)]

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Reviewer: Tawandabd - favorite favorite favorite favorite - May 13, 2023
Subject: My experience with "Business writing today"

I cannot begin to imagine the inadequacy that I had in my writing especially in writing personal statements and or resumes but since I started reading this book and absorbing the techniques provided , I nolonger have any problems writing anything be it a memo , an email, job application and resume. And its all thanks to the author who actually embarks you on a journey towards sending a message to its readers as precisely as you can with great accuracy.