Due to maintenance, the Child Performer Services Permit registration system will be unavailable from Friday, May 29 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, to Monday, June 1 at 8:00 a.m. Pacific Time. If the system is not available, please try again later.
Due to maintenance, the online application will be unavailable Friday, August 23, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PDT.
Anyone who intends to represent or provide child performer services to any artist or performer who is under 18 years old in the state of California for a fee must register.
Please allow 45 days to process the application. The Labor Commissioner's Office will notify you of your permit status.
Anyone who intends to represent or provide child performer services to any artist or performer who is under 18 years old in the state of California for a fee must have a child performer service permit. For further information, see the California Labor Code; CPS permit holders must renew their permits every two years.
Legislation aimed at protecting current and aspiring child actors and performers from sexual predators was approved September 2012. The law bars sex offenders from providing services to minors working or seeking to work in the entertainment industry. Assembly Bill 1660 does so by requiring a wide range of professionals working with artists or performers who are under 18 years of age to undergo a criminal background check and obtain a Child Performer Services (CPS) permit from the Department of Industrial Relations' Labor Commissioner's Office (also known as the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement).
The application fee is $198 in addition to the cost for fingerprints. The fee to renew is $166. The fees are due when you submit your application. If you are mailing your application, please include a cashier’s check or money order payable to DLSE.