Student Health Fee

The health fee is a mandatory fee for all students and is part of their tuition fee each semester. The health fee allows the university to provide high-quality affordable clinical preventative care and mental health services at convenient on-campus locations by various departments. These departments include: Student Health Clinics (SHC), Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Victim Empowerment Program (VEP), Healthy Living Program (HLP), and the Disability Resource Center (DRC). They provide services such as:

These services are offered free or at a lower cost due to funding from the health fee.

Message for Faculty and Staff

If you are a faculty or staff member, please visit Human Resource's Wellness page.

Frequently asked questions

Most services are covered at 100% with no co-pay if you are currently enrolled in the school-sponsored insurance plan. These services are a list of the most frequently used services. For additional services, please call the Student Health Center departments directly.

The health fee is a mandatory fee charged to degree-seeking students as part of their tuition each semester. This includes Global First Year (G1Y) and Transient students.

For students on tuition waivers, please refer to the OneStop tuition waiver to learn more about payment and eligibility requirements.

The health fee is currently $93.69 per semester.

FIU is committed to keeping all students healthy whether they have insurance or not. Students who pay the health fee have access to the Student Health Clinics, medical providers, the Healthy Living Program, and all other programs and services covered by the health fee. For these students, the health fee will continue to subsidize the cost of office visits, routine medical exams for illness or injury, medical consultations, family planning consultations, health education, screening for high blood pressure and other conditions, thereby lowering or eliminating the direct cost to students. Any services (such as laboratory testing, medications, vaccines) performed outside of these are available at nominal fees.

For students who do not have insurance, the health fee offsets the cost of office visits, routine medical exams for illness or injury, medical consultations, family planning consultations, health education, screening for high blood pressure, and other conditions at the clinics.